up to 12 transplanting headsmax. output: 1000 - 1200 plants/hour per headpickup from 1 or 2 plug-trays placing into 1 or 2 trays at one timetray size: max 40 x 60 cmdimensions: cm 220 x 320 x h 220weight 700 Kgpower consumption: 1 Kw / hour voltage: 220 Volt or 110 Volt air pressure: 8 Barr - 80 l/min
Ideal for medium and larger size growers.Thesemodelshavepickupheadsparalleltotheconveyorbelt.Thepickupheadtrolleyunit runs on dual parallel rails, which allows for robust and accurate operation.Programmingfordifferenttraysisachievedbyenteringthetraydimensionsintothecomputer memory. Up to 99 pickup + 99 placing programs can be stored in the computer. The memory can be recalled at the touch of a button.Multiplesareself-managedbythemachine,whichcanpick-upandplaceusingseveraltraysat thesametime.Whentheplacingtraydimensiondoesnotallowtheuseofallthefingers,this is displayed by the computer and the redundant heads are parked to one side. Themainoperatingparameters,suchastheworkingspeed,plantingdepth,pick-upheight, andthechangefromthe“standardpick-up”modetothe“sidepick-up”mode,canbeadjusted whilethemachineisoperating,thusmakingfine-tuningfortheoperatingconditionsvery easy.Individuallymotorizedgrippingheads,availableintwosizes(30mmor50mm)easily interchangeable. Depending on the application, the output is aprox. 1000 - 1200 plants/hour per head.A USB flash drive is provided for backups and software updates.Compressed air connection is required.
Specifications TEA 2000 N
up to 16 transplanting heads max. output: 1000 plants/hour per headpickup from a maximum of 3 trays placing into maximum 3 trays at the same timetray size: max 40 x 60 cmdimensions: cm 226 x 420 x h 220weight 750 Kgpower consumption: 1 Kw / hour voltage: 220 Volt or 110 Volt air pressure: 8 Bar - 80 l/min
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TEA 1500N & 2000N
One model, two sizes,
multiple configurations
Ideal for medium and larger size growers.Thesemodelshavepickupheadsparalleltotheconveyorbelt.The pickupheadtrolleyunitrunsondualparallelrails,whichallowsfor robust and accurate operation.Programmingfordifferenttraysisachievedbyenteringthetray dimensionsintothecomputermemory.Upto99pickup+99 placing programs can be stored in the computer. The memory can be recalled at the touch of a button.Multiplesareself-managedbythemachine,whichcanpick-upand placeusingseveraltraysatthesametime.Whentheplacingtray dimensiondoesnotallowtheuseofallthefingers,thisisdisplayed by the computer and the redundant heads are parked to one side. Themainoperatingparameters,suchastheworkingspeed,planting depth,pick-upheight,andthechangefromthe“standardpick-up” modetothe “sidepick-up”mode,canbeadjustedwhilethemachine isoperating,thusmakingfine-tuningfortheoperatingconditions very easy.Individuallymotorizedgrippingheads,availableintwosizes(30mm or 50mm ) easily interchangeable. Dependingontheapplication,theoutputisaprox.1000-1200 plants/hour per head.A USB flash drive is provided for backups and software updates.Compressed air connection is required.
Specifications TEA 2000 N
up to 16 transplanting heads max. output: 1000 plants/hour per headpickup from a maximum of 3 trays placing into maximum 3 trays at the same timetray size: max 40 x 60 cmdimensions: cm 226 x 420 x h 220weight 750 Kgpower consumption: 1 Kw / hour voltage: 220 Volt or 110 Volt air pressure: 8 Bar - 80 l/min
Specifications TEA 1500 N
up to 12 transplanting headsmax. output: 1000 - 1200 plants/hour per headpickup from 1 or 2 plug-trays placing into 1 or 2 trays at one timetray size: max 40 x 60 cmdimensions: cm 220 x 320 x h 220weight 700 Kgpower consumption: 1 Kw / hour voltage: 220 Volt or 110 Volt air pressure: 8 Barr - 80 l/min
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